
This is one of my most recent projects that I picked from the 99Designs site which is a creative free lance competition site that brings designers and prospective businessses together.

The business, a managament consulting firm based in San Francisco, provided the content, logo, and the overall theme that they were wanting to represent to potential clients coming to the site. My job was to take what they had in mind on paper and bring it to life.

After looking through what the business wanted and didn't want I went about creating the colors and fonts I wanted to use. The company had provided a logo, to which I based off my color pallet. To create a stunning impression for first-time visitors to each page I decided to incorporate large city skylines of San Francisco which would set the stage for the rest of the content.

I am most proud of keeping the same theme of business and cityscapes throughout with the use of sharp angles, complementing colors, and subtle animations.

Software/ Language

Visual Studio, HTML5, CSS3, Boostrap, Sass


2 Weeks

Attigo Content Layout

Attigo content preview
Attigo Logo

Attigo logo preview
Attigo 99Designs Entry Page

Attigo 99Designs Snippet