Dragonfly Processing

This site was created as an informational site for Dragonfly Processing. The site incorporates a large amount of Threejs for animated 3d computer graphics.

For my part, I added a backend component connected to AWS to allow admin to upload COAs that are needed to regularly be updated per compliance. I created a complete login/ registration process through AWS cognito, s3 for pdf storage and retrieval, and DynamoDB to store COA misc data. I also integrated an external newsletter subscription api service called Drip.

Software/ Language

NextJS, AWS, DynamoDB, GraphQL, Tailwind CSS, S3, Three.js, Drip


2 months (backend integration 2weeks)

COA Page

dragonfly processing coa home

dragonfly processing login
COA Creation

dragonfly processing coa creation
COA Edit

dragonfly processing coa edit
Drip Newsletter Integration

dragonfly processing drip integration