Rock Paper Scissors Game

The purpose of this project was to be able to show the implementation of Vue JavaScript involving HTML and CSS. The project is a simple rock, paper, scissors game against the computer. The first to a score of 10 wins. The player can restart the game at anytime. As the player chooses it's chose a prompt text shows what the computer chose and the result between the two. The game keeps a constant log of the score till the end.

Vue JavaScript is a JavaScript framework that is meant to be able to handle quick responsive single page applications. Rather than having to get a response from the server (back-end), everything is held on the front-end making for much quicker responsiveness. The most difficult part of Vue is implementing it's small semantic differences between regular javascript.

Software/ Language

Webstorm, HTML5, CSS3, Foundations, Vue Javascript


1 Week

Home Snippet

home Snippet